Current programs include services geared towards active senior participation and their well being.
They are,
Computer Literacy, Yoga, Healthy cooking, Costume Jewellery Making, Photography Awareness Programs on Mental health, Stigma on mental health, Elder Abuse and Newsletter Publishing.
Yoga classes and other activities are conducted every Thursday at 8 Shadlock Street Unit 5A Markham ON L3S 3E1, in view of the increased interest and active participation of our members in all the above programs.
In addition, tours of historical interest, picnics, cultural and religious activities are also arranged for the benefit of all our members who actively participate and volunteer in these programs.
Our long term goal is to establish a cultural centre of our own, where our seniors could meet regularly, exchange ideas and participate in recreational activities. Now we meet monthly at the Social Service Network (SSN) building at 8 Shadlock Street Unit 5A Markham ON L3S 3E1.
We hope every member of the association will give their corporation to achieve these objectives. The website gives an overview of our organization and the various activities that we are engaged in, that support the principles of respect and dignity of all our seniors.